Laura Broxson, NARA campaigner, activist
Laura Broxson has visited every county in the Republic of Ireland to campaign for an end to Hare coursing.
Laura and the National Animal Rights Association, NARA, which she founded, were implemental in winning a ban on fur farming in Ireland being signed into law in 2022.
Working at grassroots levels, and across progressive political lines Laura and NARA have shown that consistent, smart and creative campaigning can work for animals. They also turn up in solidarity with Human Rights and environmental campaigns, believing that these movements intersect and are inextricably linked with Animal Rights work and climate justice.
Laura will be speaking as part of the campaigning and activist community in Ireland, sharing the current state of the bill to ban hare coursing, campaign insights and stories as a seasoned activist.
They will also be a panellist throughout the weekend covering various topics as well as holding an information stand where you can meet and learn more about NARA’S work, adopting a vegan life and their ongoing campaign to end hare coursing in Ireland.