Christopher Sebastian McJetters: Disinformation, Infighting, and Elite Capture within Social Movements

23 Sep 2023
Space A

Christopher Sebastian McJetters: Disinformation, Infighting, and Elite Capture within Social Movements

Sebastian is a technical writer, journalist, and digital media researcher. He is the director of social media for Peace Advocacy Network, he sits on the Advisory Council for Encompass, he is a senior fellow at Sentient Media, and he lectures at Columbia University in the Department of Social Work for the graduate course POP: Power, Oppression, and Privilege. Using a multidisciplinary approach that includes media theory, political science, sociology, and mass communications, he focuses on how human relationships with other animals shapes our attitudes about racial, sexual, and political identity.

Learn how right wing extremists and sympathizers co-opt the language of social movements to isolate and neutralize the efforts of radical activists through coordinated campaigns of disinformation that drive infighting and incite internal division…and then learn what to do about it!